The Brazen 2023 Intramural Open Recap!
This year for the CrossFit Open, we created our own Brazen Fitness Intramural Open!
It was three weeks of fun, fitness and spirited competition. We saw athletes bond, hit personal records and accomplish things they never though possible.
The gym was split into four teams, each led by a Team Captain and Assistant Captain (all of whom were Brazen Coaches):
The Fighting Owls
(Coach Mariela & Coach Beth)
The Fighting Owls
(Coach Mariela & Coach Beth)
Team Wolfpack
(Coach Madi & Coach Tyler)
The Bad Bunniez
(Coach Eliza & Coach Elise)
Curls for the Squirrels
(Coach Edith & Coach Nate)
The competition was simple; each team won points on a weekly basis primarily through participation: the more members who completed the Saturday Open workout and logged a score in SugarWOD, the more points that team accumulated for that week. Along with opportunities for bonus points; team spirit, Rx completed workouts, etc.
Athletes were super excited to be on their chosen teams and the trash talk and memes started very early...
Week 1, 23.1
Rowing, Toes to Bar, Wall balls, Cleans and Muscle Ups were on the menu for the first workout of The Open; all with 14 minutes to get as much of it done as we could!
The gym was packed! Energy was high, the owls were hooting, the wolves were howling and athletes stuck around to cheer their fellow gym members on!
Coach Tyler made it to the Muscle Ups and Emily P. performed the entire workout in an arm cast (talk about brazen). In the end, Team Wolfpack won 23.1 with the most points and team spirit!
Week 2, 23.2
“LMAO Y’ALL KNOW I DON’T RUN.” - Chey C., SugarWOD notes.
Yes, we had to run. But we got to do a 1-rep max Thruster! Which made everything okay.
Sorry Coach Edith, we had to. The fight on that last attempt though!
Kai G. is known for his recovery positions and hardcore grunting during workouts. 23.2 was no different!
Nicole P. hit an impressive Thruster load!
HUGE shoutout and congrats to Courtney K. who did her entire first round of this workout Rx and got HER VERY FIRST PULL UP! Insane.
Week 3, 23.3 (The Last Workout)
It’s just 6 minutes… yet it had us all trembling. Wall Walks and Snatches. Enough said. But of course, our Brazen athletes crushed it!
We can’t talk about this day without talking about Nick M. and his incredible push to the finish, with the whole gym in the grips of it cheering him on with every rep! Nick landed his last snatch right as the clock ran out!
The last workout of the Brazen 2023 Intramural open was a blast and a show!
Every Brazen athlete that completed a workout during The Open should be extremely proud. These workouts are tough! They’re meant to take us away from our usual scheduled programming, challenge us and bring us together.
The best part of our Intramural Open was seeing other athletes stick around for hours after they completed their own workout to support, cheer on, strategize with and push other athletes.
We have the best community. Our athletes are by far the best thing about Brazen.
Stay tuned as we announce the winner of the Brazen Fitness 2023 Intramural Open and the teams’ prize!