What is Progressive Variance?
In the world of functional fitness, there are two schools of thought on how to design programs:
Variance heavy programs where everyday is a completely different workout. The emphasis is on the continuous exposure of the body to new stimuli and on the fun factor of new workouts. Example: your typical group functional fitness gym. The upside here is obviously novelty. But as any serious training program director can attest, you cannot build performance with random workouts, not beyond the first few months.
Progression-based programs. These programs stick to a small selection of movements and focus on repetition + overload every week to achieve adaptation, and ultimately mastery. Examples: weightlifting clubs, high school / college athletics, gymnastics schools, etc. If you want the highest level of performance (read: if you’re an athlete), that’s probably where you want to be. But the majority of us have busy lives with plenty of stress already. We need our workout routine to keep us engaged while also pushing our limits. All work and zero play means everyone’s avoiding the next soul-sucking training session.
Progressive Variance training (a.k.a Wave-based Training) bridges both of these schools of thoughts together to bring you a more effective training method.
How does Progressive Variance work?
Our training proceeds in 3- or 4-week waves. Each wave, we select 3 BUILD movements such as the Front Squat, the Pull-Up and the Romanian Deadlift.
On week 1 of our wave, we start off easy. We focus on technique, we establish a baseline. Each following week of the wave, we push the limit i.e. we add reps at the same weight, or we increase the load, or the time under tension.
Over the course of 12-16 weeks, we complete one long cycle of 3-4 waves. At the end of it all, we do Base Week.
Base Week is a week of benchmark workouts that cover all facets of fitness. Everyone in the gym attends these workouts. We track everyone’s results to see where we’re making progress and where we need to focus more.
What about the conditioning side of the equation? We’re glad you asked.
We keep it simple. We mix and match TILT, PULSE, SUSTAIN and FLOW workouts, on top of our BUILDs to develop the other facets of your fitness. This is where you get lean and you stop getting tired going up a short flight of stairs.
This is what a sample week looks like:
Sample training structure for a week of BRAZEN FITNESS training
And here’s a sample of how a wave might progress over the course of 4 weeks:
Week 0
Monday: establish a heavy Back Squat 5-rep set (near maximal)
Wednesday: establish a max set of Strict Pull-Ups (or variation)
Monday: establish a heavy Romanian Deadlift 6-rep set
Week 1
Monday: Back Squat 5 x 5 @ 75%
Wednesday: Strict Pull-Ups 3 x 8 (weighted or assisted depending on fitness level)
Friday: Tempo Romanian Deadlift 4 x 6 @ 70% (31X1)
Week 2
Monday: Back Squat 5 x 5 @ 80%
Wednesday: Strict Pull-Ups 3 x 10 (weighted or assisted depending on fitness level)
Friday: Tempo Romanian Deadlift 4 x 6 @ 75% (31X1)
Week 3
Monday: Back Squat 5 x 5 @ 83%
Wednesday: Strict Pull-Ups 3 x 12 (weighted or assisted depending on fitness level)
Friday: Tempo Romanian Deadlift 4 x 6 @ 80% (31X1)
What are the benefits of Progressive Variance Training?
Outside of the different types of fitness our program develops, the benefits of this approach are:
Improved Learning: thanks to the opportunity for repetition and coaching over the course of 3-4 week waves.
Fun in novelty: thanks to the sustainable and steady introduction of new movements and patterns. This ultimately improves adherence + attendance.
Eff’in Results: we measure them each and every base cycle. And we promise you a stronger, leaner, meaner you in 4 months.
Interested in finding out more about training with us? Book your free intro session!